Call for Papers

I. Call for Abstracts – Papers and Participation

The 20th World-wide IASL Sports Law Congress will be hosted by the Hellenic Center of Research on Sports Law (EKEAD) at the University of Athens, Greece, on December 11-13, 2014. The aim of the Congress is to bring together scholars, researchers, students and professionals interested in the Sports Law study of the Lex Sportiva – Lex Olympica and Sports Jurisdiction Experience – Development & Perspective, who are invited to submit abstracts for Congress presentation. Papers in the area of Sports law, Lex Sportiva , International Sports Law and Special topics of Sports law as well as other disciplines that contribute to our legal cultural understanding of the Sports Law, are particularly encouraged. Participants can present on sports law topics within broad streams of research areas. Areas of interest are included in

The EKEAD was established in 1990 as an independent academic and research institution in order to become a forum, where academics and researchers – from all over the world – could meet in Athens to exchange ideas on their research and to discuss future developments in their disciplines. Since 1990, EKEAD has organized many National and International Congresses, Symposiums, Seminars and events. It has also published many electronic editions and books

Edited Collection
IASL and EKEAD will produce a peer-reviewed collection of edited contributions from the Symposium papers, as it has also happened in the past. In an effort to foster this dissemination worldwide, following a global trend in scholarly production, the Edited Collection will be provided to all delegates in electronic format. As well, scholarly distribution reinforces IASL- EKEAD’ positive stance on open access policies ( ). Presenters who wish their paper to be considered for the Edited Collection will be required to submit their full papers by November 20th, 2014. Only one paper per author will be considered for publication. For details we recommend you the “Edited Collection” page.

Graduate Student Essay Competition
The 20th World-wide IASL Congress will also feature the 1st Graduate Student Essay Competition. Full-time graduate students (at a postgraduate or PhD level) are eligible for the competition. The award winner will have his/her registration fee covered, and his/her paper will be considered for publication in: e-Lex Sportiva Journal ( or International Sports Law Review Pandektis ( Full papers should be sent by the end of October, 2014. Please refer to the “Student Essay Competition” page for details.

Registration Fee
The 20th World-wide IASL Congress registration fee includes program, material of the Congress and a special Certificate, an electronic copy of the Edited Collection, access to all sessions, including keynote presentations, as well as food and drink refreshments, all coffee breaks, two lunches and an opening reception. Additionally, a number of social events will be organized (e.g. Greek nights of entertainment with dinner and an Archaeological Tour of Athens etc).

The early registration fee is up to Friday, October 31th , 2014. After this day, the price of registration fee is increased.

For updated information about the registration fee, we suggest you to check the IASL website:

II. Abstract Submission Procedures

Procedures for Papers
• Title of the paper (maximum 15 words)
• Full Name (s), Institutional Affiliation and Current Position, Phone Number, Postal and Email address.
• Submission of a max 300-words abstract, which should include: The main question, the problem or issue to be addressed in the paper, at least 5 keywords that best describe the subject, the evidence that will be used, and the significance of the paper to our understanding the Sports Law, Lex Sportiva and International Sports Law. See more in

Procedures for Panel Sessions

• Name, affiliation and position, phone number, postal and email addresses for the session organizer and all participants (moderator, speakers, and commentator). It is requested that you select a commentator for your session. The deadline for submitting completed papers (full paper, maximum length for the article 5000 words) is up to November 10th, 2014.
• Title and abstract of the session. The session abstract should include a discussion of its theme and argument, a description of the relationship among the papers, and a statement about the significance of the session to our understanding of the Sports law – Lex Sportiva and International Sports law, max 300 words.
• Title and abstract for each individual paper. Each abstract (max 300 words) must include: the main question, problem or issue to be addressed in the paper; the evidence which is used on: Sports Law study of the Lex Sportiva – Lex Olympica and Sports Jurisdiction Experience – Development & Perspective.
Deadline for Submitting Abstracts:
• The deadline for all abstracts expires on Friday, October 10th, 2014.
• Presenters will be informed about the acceptance of their abstracts no later than 31st October, 2014.
• The deadline for the presentation paper and in power Point until December 5th, 2014 .
• In order for the paper to appear on the program, the registration fee must be fully paid until the expiration of registration deadline.
Email Abstracts, Papers and Power Point:

Vicky Kapogianni

Call: +30 210 3839 440
See more in:

III. General Guidelines for Presenters

• Abstracts will appear on the program only when the registration fee has been fully paid.
• Only 1 or 2 abstracts per author will be accepted for the program. An author may, however, also moderate or commentate on a session.
• Authors, whose papers are accepted by the program committee, should agree to present the paper personally, and are also encouraged to attend and participate in other conventional sessions.
• Papers have to be original work, not published or presented either in full or in a re-worded form.
• Each speaker as an Invited lecturer has a 20 minute time and as a Presenter a 15-minute time for a presentation. This time limit will be strictly enforced.
• Presentation room will have access to up-to-date audiovisual and media technology.
• If you want to participate without presenting a paper [e.g. organize a mini conference or a panel (session), chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribution to the editing of a book, or any other contribution for IASL Sports Law Journals: please send an email to the President of IASL and EKEAD, Professor Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos, in
For more information or suggestions, please send an email to: and  and let us know if you want to receive emails from us.