With Cooperation
- Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
- City of Athens
- National Kapodistrian of Athens, School of Sports Science and Physical Education, Greece
- Athens Bar Association, Greece
- University of Peloponnese, Sports Management Department, Greece
- Association of European Olympic Committees
- Hellenic Olympic Committee (Sporting Spirit Committee), Greece
- Cyprus Olympic Committee, Cyprus
- Sports Law International Academy
- Lex Sportiva Magyar Sportjogi Társaság Kft., Hungary
- Saudi Law Training Center ( S.L.T.C), Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Sports Law Centre, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
- Korean Association of Sports Law
- International Union of Lawyers
- Sports law Centre of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
- Russian Union of Lawyers
- Sports Law Research Center, China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing), China
- ESIMET, Trademark and Companies Association, Greece