Scientific Committee
Prof. Theodore FORTSAKIS, Rector of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GreeceMembers
Prof. Sergey ALEKSEEV, Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Russia
Prof. Gérard AUNEAU, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse, France
Prof. Andreas DIMITROPOULOS, Law Faculty, University of Athens, Greece
Prof. (Assoc), Stephanos KARAGIANNIS, Department of Economic Regional Development, Panteion University, Greece
Prof. Panos LAZARATOS, Law Faculty, University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Richard H. MCLAREN, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Prof. James NAFZIGER, Willamette University, USA
Prof. András NEMES, Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Charalampos PAMPOUKIS, Law Faculty, University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Dimitrios PANAGIOTOPOULOS, University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Kostantin REMELIS, Law Faculty, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
Prof. Glykeria SIOUTI, Law Faculty, University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Gregory TSIALTAS, Rector of Panteion University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Kee Young YEUN, Dongguk University of Seoul, South Korea
Prof. (Em.), Georgios FARANDOS, University of Athens, Greece
Prof. Spyridon FLOGAITIS, Law Faculty, University of Athens, Greece
Prof. XiaoPing WANG, Law Faculty, China University of Political Science, China
Prof. Klaus VIEWEG, University of Erlangen, Germany